Squad Leader Onboarding and FAQs

Recommended Squad Leadership Reading

The A.A. published pamphlet “The A.A. Group” explains how to form an AA group, how to run AA meetings, and the roles and principles involved. These can be found in our brochures library above the Squad mailboxes or online here [ P-16 the AA Group]

While this is A.A. specific information, N.A. meetings and Al-Anon meetings are in many ways patterned after A.A., so much of the information will prove useful to NA and Al-Anon meeting leadership as well as for how best to form and manage groups & meetings.

Monthly Squad Leaders Council Meeting

Please be sure that you as a Squad Leader, or an alternate attend the monthly Squad Leaders Meeting so you can provide input and so you can communicate information back to your squad.

This is held the second Tuesday of each month at 6:00pm in the main room.

Squad Leadership Changes

When a Squad’s Leader changes, a few things must happen.

  • The former Squad Leader should notify the Alano Board by emailing info@blainealano.org and informing them that they are no longer the Squad Leader for their Squad. Make sure to include the Squad #, time and day of the meeting.

  • If the Squad Leader has a Squad key, they must return the Squad key assigned to them so that a new Squad Key can be issued to the Squad.

The new Squad Leader should notify the Alano Board that they are the new leader by filling out the form located at: www.blainealano.org/squadinfo or by emailing info@blainealano.org and providing the Squad #, time and day their Squad meets, and their name, phone number and emai address.

If the new Squad Leader wants a Squad Key, then the prior Squad Key must first be returned to the Alano Board, and only then will a new Squad key be issued and assigned to the new Squad Leader.

Squad Contributions, Book Sales & Member Dues

Please place all money for the Alano in one of the envelopes provided for that purpose (located on the shelves above the Squad bins), and write the reason and amount for all included money clearly on the envelope, and put the envelope in the secure deposit area in the locked room.

Please note that Narcotics Anonymous Book proceeds go to a different source, so please put these in a separate envelope, and put the envelope in the box mounted on the wall by the drinking fountain.

Pledging Members

Please communicate to your group the importance of becoming a pledging member of the Alano. Those who consider your Squad their home group should be encouraged to become pledging members and join the Alano club. All that is needed is that they pledge any amount to pay each month to the group treasurer of their home squad as their dues to the Alano.

Alano membership helps keep the club running; squad contributions are not enough to meet the operating expenses of the Alano, plus the medallions, coffee and other materials provided for the Squads.

Current pledging members also get the right to vote in all club elections and to be assigned a key to the club if they want one and meet the key requirements - which includes 1 year of continuous sobriety/clean time.

New pledging member process

  1. Have the new member complete one of the pledge cards sent around with the 7th Tradition basket, and hand it in to the Squad Leader or Treasurer.

  2. The Squad Leader or Treasurer should add them to that meeting’s Blaine Alano Member tracking sheet, along with their pledge start date and monthly pledge amount, and should record all future monthly pledged dues that are paid. Tracking these monthly dues determines whether or not that member is eligible to vote for Board members each December, so please diligently track all Alano Membership dues paid by your Squad Members.

  3. The Squad Leader/Treasurer should put the pledge’s name & donation amount made (if any at that time) on their Donation Envelope, put their pledge card in the envelope, then put the envelope in the locked mailbox where Squad donations to the Alano usually go.

Squad Mailboxes

Each squad has a dual purpose mailbox/storage bin on the shelves in the kitchen. Please check your mailbox before each meeting for mail, announcements from the Board, and upcoming Alano activities and events. Please share this information with your squad when appropriate.

Lending Library

The top set of wooden cabinets to the right of the whiteboard houses a Lending Library. People are welcome to borrow individual books or audio books/series - including big books - as long as they return them when they are done with them in working condition.

Books for sale

New books are available for sale at slightly discounted prices. The glass display cabinet just inside the entry door houses these books. prices are as marked. The Alano does not buy these books for people, it simply stocks them and makes them available for purchase. If a member of their Squad purchases a book, Squad Leaders should collect the money, provide them with the book, and place the purchase price in the 7th Tradition envelope after writing the books title and sale price/money collected on the envelope, along with any member dues or 7th tradition donations from the Squad, and then put the envelope in the secure deposit box in the locked room.

Sobriety Medallions

Sobriety Medallions are provided at no cost by the Alano for Squads. The medallions provided include 24 hour, 30 day, 60 day, 90 day, 6 month, 1 year, 18 month and all subsequent years.

If you expect to need a sobriety medallion for multiple years, and there are none in the cabinet, contact the Alano Program Coordinator in advance to request one. Three weeks notice is recommended to ensure that the medallion will arrive on time.


You are welcome to offer coffee to your Squad. If you are the first meeting please find a volunteer to make coffee. Three scoops per pot is the recommended amount of coffee for these style of coffee makers. Please check the coffee makers before and after your meeting. If your squad is the last meeting of the night please find a volunteer to clean the coffee makers so that they will be ready for use the next day. Also, please ensure that all burners are turned off after your meeting, unless another meeting immediately follows yours. Thank you for helping keep the Alano safe from fires!

Locking Up

When you’re done, unless there is another meeting immediately after yours, please be sure to check to make sure that everyone is out (no one in the bathrooms or back rooms) turn off the lights, double check the coffee pot to make sure all burners are off, and then lock the door & check to make sure it locked properly.

Keys To The Alano

Squad Keys

Squads are issued a key when they become official Squads of the Alano. After a former Squad Leader returns their assigned Squad Key, the new Squad Leader who meets the keyholder eligibility requirements is eligible to have a new Squad Key assigned to them.

Member Keys

Pledging members who have been attending meetings at the Alano, are current with their dues & who have maintained continuous sobriety and clean time for one or more years are eligible to request a key to the Alano club. A $10 Key Access Fee will be required, but will be returned in the future upon the return of a working key. If a member fails to continue to meet the key eligibility criteria in the future, they should promptly return the working key and will receive any deposit made back.

Contact our Membership Coordinator or email info@blainealano.org if you meet the specified requirements and would like a key.

If your Squad wishes to host an event and/or use the kitchen

Contact the Blaine Alano Board (email info@blainealano.org) to request permission. Provide information regarding the event, its purpose, the preferred time and date (as long as it does not coincide with other events or meetings in the Alano), and what Alano resources you would like to use. The Alano has disposable plates/cups/plasticware/etc. available for use at such approved gatherings.

What is group conscience? Why is it important?

Co‐founder Bill W liked to call A.A. a "benign anarchy," and for good reason. A.A. is a spiritual movement, and as Tradition Two clearly states, our sole authority "is a loving God as He may express Himself in the group conscience." Group conscience is the “will of the group” implemented by the group or Squad Leader. Squad Leaders “are trusted servants, we do not govern.”

So it is important that things like format, meeting style, and group actions are determined by the group vs individuals. Group Conscience meetings are recommended to be held periodically by your group to review and adjust as the group sees fit. Each group’s decisions are autonomous as long as they are not in conflict with the Alano rules or By-Laws or your 12 Step Program’s Principles.

Sample Meeting Format/Agenda/Script

Here is a sample meeting format used by other squads at the Alano. Please feel free to use what you find useful. Consider developing this further in your Group Conscience meetings.

Sample Meeting Agenda/Script:

  1. Start the meeting “Welcome to Squad 0, 5 pm Meeting Of Alcoholics Anonymous. This is an Open meeting, so all are welcome.”

  2. Anonymity “Who you see here, what you hear here, when you leave here, let it stay here.”

  3. Opening “Shall we open with the Serenity Prayer?”

  4. Introductions. “Hello I’m _______ and I’m an Alcoholic.”

  5. 7th Tradition/Contributions The Seventh Tradition states: "Every A.A. group ought to be fully self‐supporting, declining outside contributions.”
    Mention the importance of Alano Membership and how to join.

  6. Newcomers First Meeting ever ar 1st time at this meeting? Introduce yourselves.

  7. New Business / Announcements

  8. Squad Phone List

  9. Medallions & Anniversary celebrations

  10. Read 24hrs Book / Daily Reading

  11. Meeting Content  Reading and/or sharing

  12. Close with the Lords Prayer or the A.A. Responsibility Statement (below)

A.A. Responsibility Statement

When anyone, anywhere, reaches out for help, I want the hand of AA always to be there. And for that: I am responsible.

Al-Anon Responsibility Statement

Let It Begin With Me. When anyone, anywhere, reaches out for help - let the hand of Al-Anon and Alateen always be there, and
Let It Begin With Me.

N.A Gratitude Statement

My gratitude speaks when I care and when I share with others the NA way. so no addict need ever die from the horrors of addiction without finding a better way to live.

A.A. Preamble (Definition of A.A.)
Updated June 23, 2021, Source: SM F-92
Copyright © The AA Grapevine Inc., reprinted with permission.

Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of people who share their experience, strength, and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for A.A. membership; we are self-supporting through our own contributions. A.A. is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organization or institution; does not wish to engage in any controversy; neither endorses nor opposes any causes. Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety.