Squad Resources & Information

Blaine Alano Squad Leader Onboarding and FAQs

Answers to the Squad Leader’s most commonly asked questions, and a sample meeting outline/script can be found here on our Squad FAQs page.

Hybrid Meeting Squad Leaders & Hosts

There are guidelines hybrid meeting hosts need to follow at the Blaine Alano, to protect the anonymity of those in the Alano and online.

Click here to see the hybrid meeting requirements for hosts

If your squad wishes to run a hybrid meeting (onsite at the Alano and online simultaneously) and you would like access to the wifi network for this purpose, submit a Wifi Access Request here.

Online Resources Library

For access to the AA, NA, and Al-Anon published materials online, visit the Online Library here.

Blaine Alano Squads

If a 12-step Squad (AA, NA or Al-Anon) wishes to meet weekly at the Alano, they can petition with the Alano Board of Trustees for official status.

For information on how to become an official squad at the Blaine Alano, check out the details here.

Once a Squad is provided with official status, they may (as long as they maintain that status) host regular meetings at the Blaine Central Alano and gain access to the resources provided by the Alano to official squads.

Resources provided by the Blaine Central Alano

  • Coffee. Lots of coffee

  • Weekly meeting space

  • Inclusion in meeting lists (printed & online on the Alano website)

  • Key to the Alano

  • Lending Library books & audio

  • Sobriety Medallions (24 hr, 30, 60, 90 day, 6 mo, 1 yr, 18 mo, multiple years)

  • Informational pamphlets and materials

  • Sober/clean recovery events & fellowship for squads and their families

  • Consumables (paper towels, TP, cups, tissues, disinfectant)

  • Access to discounted books for sale

  • Venue & resources to host Board-approved events (kitchen, grill, kitchenware, disposable plates/cups/silverware/napkins, etc.) To request to host an event, email info@blainealano.org with the details, proposed date and time & resources needed.

Tradition 4 & Squad Responsibilities

Each Squad shall have the power to determine what the powers and duties of its Squad Leader shall be insofar as the activities of the Squad are concerned.

Each Squad shall also make its own rules as to its activities, membership, requirements, time & place of meetings, notices, orders of business, and procedure, social activities, & other matters as long as they are not in conflict with the Articles, By-Laws and policies of the Blaine Alano and the 12 Steps and 12 Traditions of their 12-Step program. This aligns neatly with Tradition 4. 

To continue to be allowed to host meetings at the Alano, each squad must:

  • Follow the Rules: Each Squad shall diligently follow the rules outlined in the Articles, By-Laws and policies of the Blaine Alano & the 12 Steps & 12 Traditions of their program

  • Meet Consistently: Each Squad shall hold regular meetings of its members at least once every week

  • Focus on the Program: Each Squad shall devote the majority of their meeting time to the discussion of their 12 Step program, alcoholism and/or addiction, or related subjects

Blaine Squad Leader Duties

Ultimately, each Squad Leader is responsible for the actions of their Squad, so it is the responsibility of the Squad Leader to:

  1. See that principles, Steps, and Traditions of their 12-step Program & the By-Laws and Policies of Blaine Alano are adhered to by their Squad members, attendees & guests.

  2. Explain the role of membership in the Blaine Alano to their squad members & solicit annual membership pledges using the provided pledge forms.
    When forms are completed and handed in to them, they should confirm that all information has been provided on the card & should place all completed pledge forms in the secure receptacle in the Alano office.

  3. Collect and record dues & contributions to the Blaine Alano from the members of their Squad and place them in the secure receptacle in the Alano office.

  4. Attend all monthly meetings of the Squad Leader's Council (or send an alternate) & communicate its actions & decisions and those of the Board of Trustees to their Squads.

  5. Document a count of the attendees at each Squad meeting & provide this on the donation envelope along with any Squad contributions, member dues, and book sale proceeds.

  6. Report every month to the Secretary the dues paid, names & contact info for all pledging members of the Blaine Alano Society associated with their Squad.

  7. Do such other things as are required in the Articles, By-Laws or policies of the Blaine Alano, or which may be reasonably requested by the Board.

While these duties may be delegated to other Squad officers, it shall remain the responsibility of the Squad Leader to see that they are performed consistently and properly with due diligence.